W swojej pracy chciałam przedstawić coś, co jest kwintesencją tej pory roku, tego okresu i okoliczności z tym związanych - taki miałam cel. Kamienica oblepiona śniegiem, niczym puchową elewacją... Choinka wielkości budynków, jak gdyby chciała sięgnąć gwiazd... I zmarznięci, aczkolwiek radośni i pełni nadziei kolędnicy... Taki obrazek mam w swojej pamięci i taką pracę chcę Wam dziś zaprezentować!
To present in my work something that is the quintessence of this time of year, this period and the circumstances connected with it - that was my goal. A tenement house covered with snow, like a down elevation... A Christmas tree the size of buildings, as if it wanted to reach the stars... And cold, yet joyful and hopeful carolers... I have such a picture in my memory and I want to present you this work today!
To present in my work something that is the quintessence of this time of year, this period and the circumstances connected with it - that was my goal. A tenement house covered with snow, like a down elevation... A Christmas tree the size of buildings, as if it wanted to reach the stars... And cold, yet joyful and hopeful carolers... I have such a picture in my memory and I want to present you this work today!
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Pozdrawiam! / Regards!

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